Signed in as:
You now have the ability to complete the Youth Beekeeping Partnership Application completely online. Some forms will need to be uploaded to complete your application. Please e-mail us if you have questions.
If you are unable to use the online application or prefer to print out an application, please download the forms from the link below.
If you have questions, please contact us via e-mail.
Youth beekeepers can receive assistance via the youth mentor program.
Applications due January 15th for current year. Recipients of the scholarships will be notified March 1st & presented to the club at our March meeting.
Youth chosen for the program receive the following:
Our mission is to encourage and support local youths interested in becoming a beekeeper, giving them all the tools, skills, knowledge and experience to make it a life long passion. The young beekeeper will be loaned a hive with bees and proper protective equipment. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FFA or 4-H members interested in this program are encouraged to apply. (Youth must be in grades 6-11). Applicant must complete and return all paperwork, including permission and agreement form signed by a parent or guardian.
The application with supporting documents can be e-mailed or hand delivered at an upcoming beekeepers mtg. See application below ↓ or email us at:
As part of the Youth Beekeeping Partnerhip Program of SCVBA, we expect each participant to read and understand the following agreement.
We do our best to keep your information secure and use any contact information only for the purposes of our local beekeeper's club activities. We do not sell or share your information with any non-member group or organization.
If you have any questions, please email: